Timeline: Gladstone Center for Children & Families

At the Gladstone Center for Family & Community (GCCF), we begin with the end in mind.  We know from experience and research that investing in quality early childhood education and supports will yield a seven-fold return on investment in saved public expenses and improved health over the life of a child.

That’s why the eight partners of the GCCF work together to provide for the needs of the whole child, from health and education to mental health and family support. Getting to this point was a long journey.  How did we get here?

1965               Danielson’s Thriftway opens as a grocery store.
2003               Danielson’s Thriftway closes

2004-05 school year
School district begins discussions and due diligence regarding the Danielson’s property
•  First discussions of creating an early childhood center
•  $30 million bond measure passed with a 62% yes vote, but only 43% voter turnout.  The measure failed due to the double majority law

2005-06 school year

•  Property is sold to the district
The Danielson family made a significant gift toward the transaction.
•  School Board considers the best use of the property
— Early childhood center (with other tenants/partners)
— K-1 school
— 4-5 school
— 7-8 school
•    Applied Technology and Science Center for Gladstone High School

2006-07 school year
•  School Board determines that the grocery store will be used for kindergarten children and early childhood programs
•  $40 million bond approved by voters with a 55% yes vote
•  Formal partnership agreements formed with
Gladstone School District
Clackamas ESD
Clackamas Community College
Head Start
Healthy Start
Clackamas County Behavioral Health
Department of Human Resources
•  Operational Agreement written and signed by all partners

 2007-08 school year
Ground breaking of the Gladstone Center for Children & Families

 2008-09 school year
Gladstone Center for Children and Families opens
•  Easter Seals staff become greeters at the GCCF
•  Gladstone Public Library/GCCF activities classes and community assemblies (e.g. The Reptile Man)
•  Gardenburger grant funds the GCCF community garden
•  Parenting classes begin

2009-10 school year
Oregon Community Foundation grant, Clackamas County block grant, Federal stimulus money used to construct the health clinic and relief nursery
•  Women Infants & Children (WIC) comes to GCCF
•  Gladstone Public Library summer program begins at the GCCF
•  Federal Summer Food program begins

2010-11 school year
Opening of the health clinic and Family Stepping Stones (now called the Children's Relief Nursery)
•   Babies & Boomers volunteer project begins, funded by the Oregon Community Foundation
•   Clackamas Community College provides GED program for Spanish speaking adults
•   Transitions to Kindergarten committee begins
•   Oregon City School District partnership begins
•  Head Start, ESD and kindergarten partner on Positive Behavior Intervention and Support
•  Weekly evening parenting classes by Family Stepping Stones begin at the center
•  Gladstone High School leadership and National Honor Society students form a childcare partnership with GCCF

2011-12 school year
•  Parent outreach through Zumba class
•  Child Care Resource & Referral pre-kindergarten provider trainings begin
•  Learning Zones launched, funded by the Babies & Boomers grant
•  Family Stepping Stones, Lifeworks and Kindergarten launch kindergarten readiness classes for students with no previous preschool experience
•  Kindergarten parent group plans movie nights, a harvest festival, and spaghetti/bingo nights for all GCCF children

2012-13 school year
•  New playground installed, funded by a Nike grant
•  Full-day kindergarten begins, with six classes.
•  WIC moves to John Wetten Elementary
•  Story Hour begins.  Partners Gladstone First Baptist and the Gladstone/Oak Grove Rotary provide free books for children
•  Health clinic converts from Care Oregon to Neighborhood Health Clinics Inc.
•  Family Resource Coordinator program begins, funded by a grant from Oregon Community Foundation and United Way
•  Lifeworks expands into the kindergarten classrooms by modeling the Second Steps curriculum for Kindergarten teachers and by working with the students

2013-14 school year
Family Resource Coordinator program receives grants from Clackamas County & the Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation
•  Gladstone/Oak Grove Rotary donates $1,000 in books to children at the GCCF
•  Partnership with North Clackamas School District begins
•  Transitions to Kindergarten Committee evolves into the Preschool to Grade 3 Committee (P3)
•  Gladstone Teaching Preschool opens

• Children’s dental clinic opens