GSD wins budget award

We are proud to be one of the five school districts in the state of Oregon recognized by the Association of School Business Officials International for 2023-24 budgets.

In receiving a Meritorious Budget Award, the Gladstone School District reaffirmed our commitment to providing a high-quality budget that is accessible, accurate and easy to understand, to build trust and clearly communicate with stakeholders. 

Beginning with the 2022-23 Annual Budget, our finance team worked to reformat the budget document to meet nationally recognized budget presentation standards.

“Staff gathered and included additional information to tell the story of Gladstone School District, the students and families we serve, and the services to be provided within the annual financial plan,” said Rachel Lopez Hopper, our district’s chief financial officer.

When preparing the 2023-24 Budget, still more work was completed to expand the document to include multi-year forecasting and regional economic data and statistics to further share information about the community we serve.

The Gladstone School District 2023-24 Adopted Budget was submitted to the Association of School Business Officials International for consideration of their Meritorious Budget Award and was awarded the Meritorious Budget Award for excellence in the preparation and issuance of our Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget.

“Your participation in the MBA program is a testament to your commitment to sound fiscal management and budgetary policies,” said the Association of School Business Officials International’s Alisha Griffin.

Congratulations to our internal budget team and finance staff for their ongoing efforts to improve systems and practices for Gladstone.