Nicole Quackenbush

Gladstone School District’s newest board member is Nicole Quackenbush, a human resources professional whose son attends John Wetten Elementary.

Quackenbush will fill the seat formerly held by Jeanie Whitten, who resigned in July. After interviewing three applicants on Sept. 11, Gladstone’s remaining board members selected Quackenbush for the appointment, saying she brings a unique skill set that perfectly aligns with the board's big-picture goals.

Quackenbush was already a regular attendee of school board meetings who actively participated in the district’s Long Range Facilities Planning and superintendent search processes. As an appointed board member, she committed to continuing to come to meetings prepared, doing extensive research on the issues.

Education is not only about teaching facts and numbers, but it’s also teaching students how to learn and problem-solve so that they will be productive and empathetic members of a rapidly changing society, Quackenbush wrote in her application for appointment.

“Educators cannot do this in a vacuum: they need the support of families and community members with a district that encourages that engagement,” she wrote.

Quackenbush believes that her professional perspective will translate well to the school board, due to her ability to work with individuals from all walks of life. Her primary professional responsibility is taking care of employees, while also working to protect her company from liability, which she views as similar to her role as a school board member.

Quackenbush is expected to be formally sworn in as a school board member during the board’s Oct. 9 meeting. She was appointed to serve through June 2025; if she wishes to serve through 2027, she will have to run for election in May 2025 for the remainder of the unexpired term of her predecessor.