To celebrate the start of the school year, the Gladstone School District honored a total of six staff members who won Thank a Teacher or Making a Difference awards at our staff's Welcome Back event on Aug. 27. To recognize their outstanding contributions to our community, each of these staff members received $250 from a Gladstone Education Foundation endowment.
Thank a Teacher Award winner Melinda Johnson of John Wetten Elementary School creates a classroom environment where all students feel welcome. Johnson shows up each day, and is joyful and present for all. She is able to reach students with exceptional needs and help them grow as learners. She has served on various committees over the years, such as site council and calendar committee. She's always willing to help others. In addition to her daily duties, she has also served as a mentor and supervising teacher for practicum students. She has an incredible work ethic and builds lasting relationships with students and their families.