
Career and Technical Education teacher Veronica Salisbury, who teaches marketing and business classes at Gladstone High School, was instrumental in getting a new embroidery machine up and running for students this month.

GHS is using state CTE funding to create a new health sciences program in the upcoming school year, while upgrading existing infrastructure and equipment to offer cutting-edge CTE programs. Our state and school district recognize the growing demand for high-skill jobs in CTE sectors and will continue to prepare students effectively for careers in computer science, network support, data technicians, health care, business and technology.

Thanks to the funding from Oregon's 2023-25 CTE Revitalization Grant Program, this project will help bridge the labor shortage gap in local companies, foster diversity in the workforce, and provide equitable and sustainable CTE opportunities.

A big thank you to Rob Wood for coming to Gladstone High School and training us in how to use our new Melco embroidery machine. In December, state officials informed Gladstone High School of our successful $249,000 grant proposal to revitalize our Career and Technical Education Pathways. Among our many CTE programs receiving funding include our business marketing and digital arts fields that will benefit tremendously from this new embroidery system.