Incident Communicatios

Gladstone Schools routinely provides clear and timely communication with families about school incidents and threats.
If there is an actual lock down or lock out at school, we will inform you. If we are aware of a stranger danger situation in our neighborhood, we will tell you. You are the district’s partner in keeping students safe, so it’s important for you to have such information.
Please understand that because students are minors, by law we are unable to share disciplinary actions with the public. At no time is the district allowed to share with the public whether a minor student is in attendance or not. Likewise, due to law enforcement protocols, we are unable to share specific details of a threat.
One exception is in the event of a direct threat that specifically names a targeted student. In such cases, the family of a student who is threatened will receive more information in order that we can put protections in place to ensure student safety.