Volunteering 2024-2025
At the elementary level, volunteers may help in classrooms, work with a small group of students, or assist a student one-on-one. They also step up to chaperone field trips, help with special events, or lead after school clubs.
Volunteering at middle school and high school looks a bit different, with parents helping to run after school clubs, coaching sports, or fundraising for school programs such as athletics, band or the senior class party.
Research shows that when students connect with adult mentors, they have better school attendance, stronger academic achievement, improved behavior, less anxiety, and greater self-esteem. When students see their parent volunteering in the school, it shows them how much the parent values education.
Applications need to be completed each year and are July 1st through June 30th: Apply Here
Please contact Volunteer Coordinator Ginger Zimtbaum with any questions at 503.656.6564, ext.265 or email zimtbaumg@gladstone.k12.or.us.