Student Accident Insurance
Accidents happen... don't get burdened by the cost!
At Gladstone School District, we prioritize the health and safety of our students. Accidents can still happen during sporting events, field trips, or everyday fun at school or home. Necessary medical care can be expensive and current medical coverage could limit options for care. While we do not assume responsibility for costs associated with accidents, we do offer several student accident insurance plans available for voluntary purchase that may help alleviate costs in the event of an accident.
These plans can vary from 24/7 coverage anywhere to limited coverage and can allow your child to access your choice of doctors or hospitals without restrictions. Gladstone School District has partnered with K&K Insurance Group to offer our families voluntary student accident insurance coverage.
For more information or to enroll your child in student accident insurance, please see the links below.
To enroll online, click HERE.
2023-2024 Student Accident Coverage Brochure
Questions? Contact K&K Insurance K-12 Voluntary Student Accident at 1-855-742-3135 or click here for online contact form.