Robbie Teague

Gladstone has hired a new school resource officer with deep roots in the community.

Robbie Teague first became a Clackamas County Sheriff’s deputy in 2015 and worked for several years as a school resource officer based at Rex Putnam High School.

A 1999 Putnam graduate, Teague has two children who attend Gladstone High School. He’s excited to begin work in Gladstone’s small schools that have a variety of programs and community partnerships rivaling larger schools.

“Gladstone schools have given so much to my kids, so I’m thrilled to give back in any way that I can,” Teague said.

Gladstone’s previous school resource officer, Eric Graves, was recently promoted to sergeant and is still a frequent sight at GHS football games and other community events. Police Chief John Schmerber said that Teague will have an office at the high school and make regular visits to all four schools in Gladstone.

“Robbie’s completely committed to helping out with schools in Gladstone, and I couldn’t imagine anyone more suited for the position,” he said.