GHS Art Club

Gladstone High School’s Art Club achieved a series of successes by participating in the first Gladstone Arts Fair.

Several students sold art that they had made in GHS teacher Chris Rich's art classes at the high school between sessions helping fair attendees complete a Community Collage. The inaugural Arts Fair Community Collage turned out to be a diptych, and with help from the high school tutors, several fair attendees from John Wetten Elementary made their own smaller collages to take home.

Sara Star, a professional artist from Gladstone who organized the June 1 fair, gave GHS students a free booth at the festival in exchange for organizing the community art project. In addition to selling art, one GHS student participated in the festival’s open mic with a poetry reading.

The fair closed down Portland Avenue between Dartmouth and Clarendon streets in downtown Gladstone. Dozens of vendors participated in the four-hour-long fair that drew about 1,000 attendees over the course of the beautiful afternoon.